Start Up – Is self-employment for you?

Is self employment for you?

Working for yourself can be exciting and rewarding, but preparing and researching your idea will increase your chances of success.

Libraries can help you do a lot of the homework for free, including……

There are lots of reasons you might want to be self employed:

  • Fed up with being unemployed
  • Wanting to make some money
  • Want to be your own boss and make your own decisions
  • Having a good idea and using your skills to make it happen
  • Proving you can do it

But it’s not right for everyone. Some of the qualities you may need include:

  • Confidence in yourself and your idea
  • Determination to stick at it, even when the going gets tough
  • Willingness to take risks and try out new ideas
  • Willingness to work hard and sometimes long hours
  • Being self motivated

We can’t help with all of the above but we can help you prepare, research and learn through our information resources, events and workshops, library space, and partnerships with many business support organisations. You might be surprised how much we can offer.

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