One hour of your busy lives could make a lot of difference to your business.
Get to grips with Cyber-Security, HR, Time Management, Pitching Ideas, Getting Invoices Paid and Tax Accounting.
For six Thursday evenings, starting 2nd February, BIPC Bolton is hosting a series of quick, free talks.
Each one from a different expert in their field.
The cybercrime experts from The North West Cyber Resilience Centre, Steve Oakes from one of Britain’s top HR provider Peninsula, and business coaching specialist Paul Limb of Action Coach – helping you make the most of your time. Then there are the money people – Paul Limb of SV Legal, the best person to have in your corner when you want to get your invoices paid and Dr Mohammed Sadiq of the University of Bolton to help you get your tax and accounts right.
We encourage questions from the audience at each talk and promise a lively and interesting evening.
Thursdays, 6.15pm – 7.15pm from February 2nd Bolton Library Lecture Theatre, BL1 1SE.
Refreshments provided.
N.B. Parking is free outside the venue after 6pm
Bolton Library Lecture Theatre, Le Mans Crescent, Bolton, BL1 1SE.
2nd Feb
Cyber Security
Presented by The NW Cyber Security Centre
9th Feb
Find the Time! Time Management for Busy People.
Presented by Paul Limb of Action COACH
16th Feb
HR Tips for Business
Presented by Steve Oakes of Peninsula
2nd March
Get Paid and Improve Your Cash Flow.
Presented by Paul Hatton of SV Legal
9th March
Top Tips to Boost Your Business.
Presented by Dr Mohammed Sadiq of The University of Bolton